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Thursday, 10 August 2017

My journey with prostate cancer

We are all going to die, the question is "when" not "if"................when you are diagnosed with cancer this "when" comes more into focus.

I am writing this blog as a journal to share my experience and help me stay in focus facing this latest and perhaps my toughest challenge.
It is a bit ironic, I was looking for a new challenge to celebrate my coming 75th year on this planet, now I am faced with this unwanted challenge.  -:(

Thursday, June 22 2017

On Monday June 19 2017, I went for an MRI scan in Buffalo NY; the result showed that I had 3 tumors in my prostate gland. I asked the doctor if they are cancer, he just nodded.
It was not a complete surprise to me, in fact I sort of expected it.

For years my annual blood test PSA number kept going up year after year. It was 6.6 in January last year, 2016. My GP, Dr. Kristof L referred me to Dr. Mohseni, a Urologist.
Dr. Mohseni suggested a biopsy, but I choose to wait for another year because the DRE test did not detect anything unusual and neither did a recent ultrasound.
April 2017 my PSA number had soared to 10.4. Since I do not have any issue with my urinary track, and no infection, most likely the high number is caused by Cancer, I concluded.
On June 6, I saw Dr. Mohseni at the Brampton Hospital; again he suggested a biopsy. I asked if we could do an MRI first. His response was that he can not refer me for an MRI before a biopsy, that is the 'rule' in Ontario (OHIP).
Since last year I have been reading and researching on prostate cancer; I have formed the opinion that an MRI scan before a biopsy is the way to go.

An MRI would confirm whether tumor is present and the exact location within the prostate gland. A biopsy without an MRI is literally poking in the dark. I search the internet for MRI clinics around Toronto and found one in Buffalo NY, 'Proscan Imaging'. They use the latest MRI technology,   -   the    3.0 Tesla MRI. Cost for a prostate MRI - $565 US.

Dr. Gurmeet Dhillon and his staff at 'Proscan Imaging clinic' provide excellent service, I highly recommend this clinic. The MRI scan lasted about 45 minutes. Half an hour after the MRI procedure, Dr. Dhillon called me in to have a discussion, he showed me the dark spots and told me that they are tumors, one of them is not encapsulated. The next day I received his summary report via an e-mail attachment. His report said that there are 3 tumors, one 8 mm in size on the right side (region 1p) second is 7 mm on the left side (region 6p) and the third is 8 mm in the transitional zone (region 1a), the surrounding areas are fine. I was also given 2 DVDs of the MRI pictures. The pictures would be helpful in performing an accurate biopsy.

I knew that I had made the right decision to go for an MRI scan before agreeing for a biopsy. Now I am certain that the biopsy is indeed necessary and it will be done with certainty of the locations and amount of tumors, not just blindly taking samples of the prostate tissues. I felt that the money spent was worth every penny of it.

Since last year, after the first suggestion of a biopsy, I did some research on the internet about prostate biopsy and prostate cancer, this had help me make the right decision. I also drew some knowledge from my uncle and cousin experiences with their prostate cancer.

MRI result report

Right after the MRI scan, I made appointments to see Dr. Kristof and Dr. Mohseni to discuss the MRI report and find out what to do next. In the mean time, I will search for books and the internet about prostate cancer.

My first action at meeting this challenge head on is to change my diet. Avoid all kinds of sugar and restrict my carbohydrate intake. That means no added sugar of any kind, no cake, cookies, pasta, bread, rice, sweet fruits etc. I have learned that cancer cells can only use glucose as fuel while healthy cells use glucose and ketones (from fat). So by restricting sugar and carbohydrate intake I will create a hostile environment for the cancer cells to grow and spread to other places. Fasting and exercise also help in reducing glucose supply for the cancer cells. I learned this, among others, from reading Travis Christofferson book, "Tripping over the truth".

Friday, July 07 2017 

The internet provides lots of information. Now I know more about the prostate gland. Most info about a specific treatment for prostate cancer are usually bias. I avoid sites touting cure all single herb or supplement, especially if it is promoted to sell that product and not backed by scientific research.

So far there are 2 books that I like and find that they are really helpful. "Prostate cancer breakthrough : 2014" by Jay Cohen MD, and "The cancer revolution" by Leigh Erin Connealy.

In his book, Dr, Cohen explained about 'blind biopsy' and 'targeted biopsy', this reaffirm that I had made the right decision and choose the right clinic to have a prostate MRI scan before a biopsy.

On Wednesday, June 28, I started taking Pancreatic enzyme and liposomal Vit. C 1000 mg first thing in the morning. Recommendation from Dr. Conneally in her book "The Cancer revolution".

I am also going to see a Naturopathy Oncologist to guide me with nutrition, detox, supplements and other alternative ways to combat this cancer.

My uncle was diagnosed with prostate cancer by chance when he was in his early 70s. He had a urethra infection at the mouth of the bladder and at the base of the prostate gland. His cancer was not aggressive and he choose "watchful waiting". He died of heart failure at 86.
My cousin, 70, had a blind biopsy done a few years ago because his PSA number was high. The result was false negative and he almost died because of it; spend months in the hospital due to infection.
Later on a 4Kscore blood test was ordered and it confirmed that he had prostate cancer, this is followed by a targeted biopsy (preceded by MRI scan). He has 2 tumors and the Gleason score was 6 (3+3) and 7 (3+4). He decided to do "Active Surveillance".

I believe that my prostate cancer is mainly genetic; my uncle, cousin and I, our tumors locations are in the same area. DRE test failed to detect our tumors because they are located deep near the base of the prostate gland.

My family have been very supportive and understanding. They help me with my strict diet.

Friday, July 14 2017

Start taking Hot Yoga classes on Tuesday, July 11. Had not sweated this much for many years. This is great for detox, and stress relief; also for flexibility, balance, and core strength. Dr. Connealy and Dr. A. Katz recommended Yoga in their books.

Dr. Mohseni forwarded my MRI dvd to Dr. Daniel Rappaport at Etobicoke General Hospital diagnostic imaging; I insisted on having a targeted biopsy especially since I have already gone through an MRI prostate scan which was done with the most current MRI machine, the 3T MRI. I am looking forward to hear of the biopsy schedule date.

Friday, July 21 2017

Yesterday, Thursday July 20, I saw Dr. Michael Reid, a Naturopath oncologist in Kitchener, ON. We are mostly on the same page about my prostate situation and possible treatments.
I do not mind a targeted biopsy, because this will give me more data to decide on future treatment option.
I asked Dr. Reid to help me prepare for the upcoming biopsy, to guard against possible infection, to prevent spreading of the cancer cells and to recover quickly. For this he recommended IV vitamin C therapy 1x/week for 4 weeks leading to the biopsy.
We also discussed nutrition, diet, detox and supplementation. Dr. Reid said that I am already on the right track with diet and nutrition.
Some blood laboratory work was recommended by Dr. Reid to be more precise with supplementation. I requested the blood test via my GP, Dr. Manpreet, and asked to include a PSA test, the last one was done just over 3 months ago. My GPs, Dr. Manpreet and Dr. Kristof are very cooperative.
I am happy with the guidance I received from Dr. Michael Reid.

Friday, July 28 2017

Today the blood test results came out. My PSA number is 9.7, this is an improvement from the last one which was 10.4; I attribute this to the strict diet that I do right after the MRI scan on June 19, just over 1 month ago. Avoid all sugars and simple carbohydrates, eat mostly vegetables and some fruits, some meat, mostly fish for animal protein. Perhaps the 1000 mg liposomal vit. C also contributes to lowering my PSA number.

On Dr. Reid recommendation, I am also taking the following supplements - Pectasol-C, Vit. D/K2 drops, Coriolus, Artemisinin and Zyflammend. Unfortunately they are not covered by OHIP nor by our health insurance.

I felt that I am on the right track in meeting this challenge with my diet, exercise, and supplementation. Looking forward to my next PSA test in 3 months time. I am confident that the test result will show more improvement.


  1. ...great write up Bud, indeed full of information and guidance.
    will forward this to friends.
    all the best.

