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Wednesday, 15 February 2017

My diet

You are what you eat......

Make food be your medicine.........

I do not follow any diet plan, but I do have principles that I follow as far as eating is concerned.

Avoid Sugar, avoid transfat.........
Sugar and transfat are toxins to our body. Many articles and books were written about this; and I am convinced that we have to avoid sugar and transfat.
We have to learn and read labels to know which food to avoid, it is not always obvious.
Occasionally I do enjoy ice cream, cake, beer and wine; always with some food already in the stomach and in small amount. To mitigate the bad consequence, I took a couple capsules of fibre, like 'Meta mucil' and if possible indulge on those "treats" after a vigorous exercise so that the glucose is absorbed into the muscle tissues.

Eat a balance meal in moderation..........
Some carbohydrate, some protein and some fat; all three macro nutrients for a balance meal. I do not favour one over the other. Some diet plans are low carb, high fat while others high carb, low fat.
Too much of any good thing becomes toxic. I think balance meal and eat in moderation is the wise thing to do.
Yes, fat is also important. But consume only good fat, like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and ghee. Fried foods cooked with vegetable oil have lots of transfat. Frequently, I put a tbsp of coconut oil in my coffee and tea.
The human teeth is designed to process a variety of foods, from seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, fruits, fish to meat. So I eat a variety of foods.

Eat more complex carb and less simple carb........
That means more fibrous vegetables and some fruits; and less pasta, bread, potatoes and rice.
Chilled potatoes and rice after cooking, like potato salad and sushi, they became much healthier because the starch became 'resistant starch' and pre-biotic, that means it is good for our gut flora.

Eat more pro-biotic and pre-biotic food.............
This is important to support our microbiome, gut flora health. Kefir, kombucha and fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, kim chi are pro-biotic. See my earlier blogs about how I make Kefir, Kombucha and Sauerkraut. Fibrous vegetables and resistant starch are pre-biotic.
Pro-biotic food provides a variety of good bacteria to populate our gut, and pre-biotic food provides food for the good bacterias to flourish in our gut. Pre-biotic food is not digested in the small intestine.
Microbiome is the collection of trillions of microbe that live in the human body. The largest and most diverse bacteria strains is found in our gut, the digestive track, especially in the colon.
Both good and bad bacterias are present in our gut. A healthy gut flora is very important to our health because 80 % of our immune system is in the gut.

Do not overeat.........
Overeating puts a lot of stress to our digestive system including the pancreas and liver organs. In the long run this may cause damage to our body. Eat only until you are 80% full, is a good advise; that is the advise from the Okinawan centenarians.

Give the digestive system a rest..........
The digestive system needs a reprieve from constant stress, to recover and stay healthy. It took 12 hours for the body to totally process all the food from our last meal; that is why we have to fast for 12 hours for a blood lipid and glucose test. So a 12 hours or more rest (fast) for the digestive system is reasonable. I regularly fast for 13 to 16 hours; more on this subject next time in another blog.

Say grace for each meal............
By saying thanks and asking for blessing, we put our mind and digestive organs in the proper state to receive and process the meal.

There you have it, that is my 'diet' which I do not follow 100% of the time -:).

After my MRI prostate scan early June 2017, I went on a strict diet.
I no longer consume any kind of refined sugar and avoid simple carbohydrate as much as possible, which means that I avoid alcohol, fruit juice, pops, cake, cookies, ice cream, process snacks, white rice, noodles, pasta, potato, bread, sweet fruits etc.
Science has proven that cancer cells can only use and process glucose to produce their energy by fermentation without oxygen. Healthy cells can use glucose as well as ketones (from fat) as their source of energy.
By embarking on this strict diet, I limit the availability of glucose for the the cancer cells to use thus curtailing their growth.
Fasting and exercise deplete the glucose supply further. Exercise also oxygenate the cells more, all these actions, diet, fasting and exercise, help create a hostile environment for the cancer cells.

Thanks for reading my blog, hope you find it useful.
Please leave your comments and questions below. Thanks.

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