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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Cycle Caledon Challenge

Saturday, July 28 2012, I participated in a charity ride called 'Cycle Caledon Challenge'.

Chris, my son in law, informed me about this fully supported bicycle ride. I decided to participate as a training ride and a test of my readiness to tour around Lake Ontario.

 The information provided mentioned that the route challenge cyclists with the rolling terrain of the Hills and Headwaters of the region. Great! Is this not what I need to practise for the hills (gremlins) around Oswego, NY? So, I registered to do the 100 km distance, which consists of 2 loops; loop 1, 40 km, and loop 2, 60 km. This distance is the maximum distance that I plan to do for a one day ride on my fully loaded bike. Doing this on a non loaded bike should be much easier, right?

Chris, Shadow (my bike) and I, at a rest stop just before embarking on the second loop.

One of the many beautiful landscapes along the way.

Hills? No kidding!!!
Look at that hill beyond the trees,.... close to 'heaven'..... I just climbed that one.
 More hills in front. They just kept appearing one after the other.

After climbing uphill, going downhill was fun. I did over 60 km per hour going down this relatively short but steep hill.
I started the ride before 8:30 AM and I completed after 2:00 PM. I took many breaks because of the never ending hills. Along the way I did not overtake a single cyclist, but many passes me with ease. Many of them are half my age and rode a road bike that is half the weight of my touring bike. I did not feel bad.

I had one small incident. An insect, most likely a wasp, stung me just under my right eye. How did it fly and get behind my sunglasses? I stopped and applied polysporin spray right away. It happened near the end of my ride. Looked like I had a botox treatment under my right eye.....-:).

This ride was a good training and test for me. I had cycled each and every hill, sometimes at 6 km or less per hour using Shadow's 'granny' gear. It was tough and very challenging. The weather was perfect and the event was well organized by SUL (Shut Up Leg) bicycle club, all kudos to Ben and his team of volunteers. See you guys next year........